God intends for this compelling vision of His people singing—a people joyfully joining together in song with brothers and sisters around the world and around his heavenly throne—to include you. He wants you, He wants us, to sing.
Running the gamut from biblical theology to historical assessment all the way to sample service sheets, Worship by the Book shows how local churches in diverse traditions can foster corporate worship that is God-honoring, Word-revering, heartfelt, and historically and culturally informed.
BOB KAUFLIN traveled with the Christian group GLAD for eight years as a songwriter and arranger before becoming a pastor with Sovereign Grace Ministries in 1985. He is now the director of worship development for Sovereign Grace, overseeing its music projects and teaching on congregational worship. He and his wife, Julie, have six children and an ever-growing number of grandchildren.
Pastors, worship planners, lay leaders, and college and seminary students from a cross section of denominations will benefit from this simple yet thorough discussion of what it means to lead the body of Christ into a genuine experience of worshiping God.
Approaching the worship service as an act of hospitality, Navarro emphasizes clearing away obstacles and communicating the gospel. He shares practical ideas for churches of all kinds and sizes-everything from assisting guests to using the arts to centering the preaching on Christ. Pastors, worship leaders, and church leaders of any denomination and worship style will benefit from this practical guide.

We give overwhelmed worship leaders the practical training they need to be confident, excellent and successful!