Healthy, Growing, Multiplying Churches (HGM), a ministry of Evangelism USA, hosted another Church Planters Intensive on October 19-21 at Mercy City Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Intensive was well attended by potential church planters from both IPHC and non-IPHC backgrounds. The goal of the three-day of training was to expose planters to a recently planted congregation that was thriving, and hear from their lead pastor, as well as learn how to create a successful launch team, effectively fundraise, and launch strong and healthy. In the end, we hoped to connect these potential church planters from around the country to HGM and Arise 2033.
Matt Erikson, the lead Pastor of Mercy City, said, “The training and coaching provided at the HGM Intensive was more thorough and complete than what I experienced through other organizations. Also, what makes HGM so attractive is after the planter launches, they aren’t dropped; they are connected to peer coaching groups with established pastors who continue to help them. HGM’s approach and long-term commitment to church planters is really unique and special.”
The Intensive started on Wednesday, October 19th with worship and a strong message from Pastor Matt Erikson. Thursday and Friday mornings both began with a time of worship. Thursday included sessions on vision, building a timeline, forming a launch team, hosting a mock interest party, fundraising fundamentals, and developing leaders. On Friday, the topics of interest were leadership training, team building, budgets, how to leverage social media and how to launch strong and healthy. The Intensive concluded with a final time of worship followed by prayer for each of the participants.
Participants included leaders from North and South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. According to Trey Jones, HGM Director, “The biggest wins from this Intensive were the energy, the relational context, and the ability for HGM to get into a context where we have little to no presence. We have to fish in new ponds, and this was a first step in that direction. Also, the Mercy City Team was amazing and created an environment that was truly exceptional. It was good for the planters to see what God can do in a church that is only 6 years post-launch.”
The next English-speaking Intensive is scheduled for March 29-31 in Roanoke, Virginia at New Life Christian with Pastor Tony Atkinson. Spanish speaking Intensives are also in the works for Florida (February), Minnesota (April), and Los Angeles (June) in 2023. If you know anyone interested in planting a church, please have them visit