IPHC Presiding Bishop A.D. Beacham, Jr., is sending Dr. Harold D. Hunter to the 20th Anniversary of the founding of PCCNA. The celebratory event will convene November 24, 2014 in Memphis, TN. Dr. Hunter is director of the IPHC Archives & Research Center in Oklahoma City, OK.
Dr. Hunter was a “participant” at what has often been referred to as the ‘Memphis Miracle’. His connection with the co-conveners, IPHC Presiding Bishop BE Underwood and Church of God in Christ Bishop Ithiel Clemmons, went back many years prior to the October 17-19, 1994 conference in Memphis.
Although the 1994 event was reported in major USA newspapers and on CNN news, there was very little written about the event in other media. The primary sources now are the PCCNA magazine Reconciliation edited by Professor Cecil M. Robeck and Dr. Hunter and a special edition of the IPHC Archives & Research Legacy. Simply click on the links to see these publications as pdfs.
Dr. Hunter at one time served as the webmaster for PCCNA. During those years he uploaded a number of sources like the original papers at Memphis ’94. Dr. Hunter also digitized a video that summarized highlights of the ‘Memphis Miracle’. Please be warned that the original video was digitized over 15 years ago and so there are technological challenges.