Join in prayer with thousands across our nation on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 7th as we collectively pray “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done”. The National Day of Prayer Task Force asks that we pray for the seven cultural influences of our nation: Government, the Military, the Media, Businesses, Education, the Church and Family.
“It is a crucial time for us to individually and collectively seek God’s divine intervention for the challenges facing us. We need to pray not only for our nation, but we need to pray for our leaders, for all those who govern us, that they will turn to God with humble hearts and follow Him. Our military leaders need our prayers as we have dedicated men and women serving on battlefields and sacrificing their blood to protect our nation and many innocent people around the world. God is faithful to bless those who turn to Him.
Pray that as a nation we would return to God. As we call on God, let us do so by genuine faith, believing that He hears our prayers. God can heal this great land, for which our forefathers fought and died. We need spiritual renewal, we need a revival in America, and we need each and every one to pray. Lord, Hear Our Cry!” – Franklin Graham