Over the past year, the Accounting and Communication Services teams have worked to update the IPHC giving software and website for a simplified user experience. With full integration between both systems, donors now have instant access to update their account, view donation history and support IPHC Ministries.
We invite you to explore give.iphc.org which includes the following enhanced features:
▪ A revamped home page with easy access to support a missionary, sponsor a child, or an IPHC project
▪ A new donor dashboard to keep track of donations, update payment information and donor profile
▪ Responsive design for simplified use on mobile devices, tablets, and the IPHC app
▪ Modernized shopping cart and checkout, making it easy to complete your online donation
Through partnerships with faithful donors, the IPHC is extending the kingdom of God around the world. Your giving enables us to plant churches, send missionaries, disciple believers and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in 100 nations. Together, we are making a global impact as a Place of Hope and a People of Promise.