By Tommy McGhee
It was my pleasure to serve as the presiding officer for the Passion Connection Conference Quadrennial Session, held near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May 31-June 2, 2018. Rev. Michael Smith served as the host for the day’s activities. Our opening session was held Friday morning with a time of worship and sharing of the Word by Bishop Gordon Atwell. Bishop Atwell shared the following information regarding the conference: 18 churches totaling 3,200 members, 69 ordained ministers, 2 licensed ministers, and 10 local church licensed ministers. The financial report was also given to the delegates present. As in other conferences, I presented our core value, “We Prayerfully Value All Generations.”
We began elections before our lunch break. Each of the following were re-elected to serve by acclamation: Bishop Gordon Atwell, superintendent; Rev. Kelvin Stuart, assistant superintendent; Rev. Dewayne Williams, secretary/treasurer, and council members at large Rev. Michael Smith and Rev. Ricky Sinclair. Congratulations to these men as they lead the conference into the future. These leaders came together near the conclusion of the business session and pledged their support to Bishop Gordon Atwell and their commitment to see the conference move forward in a new way. Under Miscellaneous Business, a motion was offered to change the name of the conference to its previous name, Mid-South Conference. After discussion, the motion was adopted by a narrow margin. Bishop Atwell led a training session on the “House Church” movement and the strategy he is utilizing with the local church where he serves as pastor.
An evening service was held in which I was blessed to preach to the congregation, and honored to lead in the ordination of Amber Roy Burger. Many of you will remember that she is the daughter of our IPHC missionaries Rev. Ron and Phyllis Roy.
Thank you to the Atwell family for the hospitality I enjoyed while I was in Baton Rouge serving the new/old Mid-South Conference.