2019 Advent Video Series Week One

November 27th, 2019
Let Faith Arise “And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him.  But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard;...

We Must Boldly Cry for Justice

November 12th, 2019
Throughout 2019 the IPHC has focused on the biblical issue of justice. In 2020 we will place our focus on our seventh core value: “We Prayerfully Value Generosity.” There is...

We Must Be His Witnesses in Times of Darkness

October 8th, 2019
Old Testament prophecies usually have a historical and future context. The historical context is often a word of judgment based on the failure to obey God’s revealed will, relating to...

Don’t Avoid God’s Call to Care About Justice

September 10th, 2019
Preachers usually take time to pray over our sermons because we want to make certain we are hearing the Word of God accurately. We want to clearly convey that Word...
Poor under the bridge

We Must Give Hope to the ‘Strangers’ Among Us

August 13th, 2019
As of June of this year, there were 36,300 homeless people living in the streets of Los Angeles. The causes include mental illness and substance abuse. According to an article...
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