The Glory of Grace Ephesians 1:4-6
In the blog post last week, I mentioned how Ephesians 1:3-14 is one long sentence in Greek. When the Apostle Paul wrote, or perhaps dictated, this section, it’s like he...
In the blog post last week, I mentioned how Ephesians 1:3-14 is one long sentence in Greek. When the Apostle Paul wrote, or perhaps dictated, this section, it’s like he...
“At the beginning God, as it were, walks into the church assembled for worship and breathes His blessing upon it. He remains throughout and at the close of the worship...
The Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus is the Biblical focus for IPHC during this year of 2025. I encourage you to prayerfully study this letter to gain...
In the United States of America millions of Americans have voted early and millions more will vote on Tuesday, November 5th. For Christians, it is important that we participate as...
In the United States, many evangelical/Pentecostal denominations use the month of October to emphasize “Pastor Appreciation” from a local church to the shepherd(s) of that local church. The IPHC promotes...
When I was young the month of June was when many men and women said their marriage vows. Now, June has a different focus in the media, the marketplace, and...