Resources | The ClergyCare Team
The work of a pastor can be physically and emotionally draining, and as well as they care for their congregations, pastors often overlook their own spiritual and emotional care. In 2020, the IPHC established a pastoral care team to provide guidance and oversight for the counseling and care of its ministers. In addition, a group of consulting pastors helps to guide the concerns of the team, and continues to provide counseling contacts for superintendents and pastors.
If you're a minister who needs counseling, or perhaps just a listening ear, your conference superintendent may be the place to begin. You may also consider contacting one of our ClergyCare team members for a referral.
Focus on the Family Hotline
1-844-4Pastor (627867)
Shepherding the Shepherd - Pastoring after a Crisis
Six months after a crisis, pastors tend to show the greatest sign of leadership strain. The year 2020 has brought crisis after crisis to the US and the world. The IPHC ClergyCare Team talks with Jimmy Dodd (CEO of PastorServe) and Dr. Eric Brown (Assistant Professor of Counseling, DePaul University) about how pastors can care for their own souls. They share a number of key activities (what Jimmy calls "aid stations") for ministers. (Click the above image to watch.)
He Makes All Things New - A Conversation with Ray and Alison Boggs
Ray and Alison Boggs understand the grief that accompanies a death. But while both experienced the loss of a spouse, they found great grace - and each other - in a loving Savior. Watch the interview, and download discussion questions for All Things New.
Staying the Course- A Conversation with Paul and Penny Glass
Clergy Care Team Members

Harold Rhoades
Dr. Harold Rhoades (Ph.D., Ball State University) is a Counseling Psychologist with over 25 years of experience in private practice, teaching, consulting, and retreat work. His clientele includes individuals, marriages and families, adolescents and children, churches and ministry organizations.
He is the founder and director of Healing Springs Retreat Ministries in Franklin Springs, Georgia, in which he serves as Founder and Director.

Marie McCabe
Marie McCabe MA, LMFT, BCN is an ordained minister with the New Horizon Conference (OK) in the IPHC. Marie and her husband have been in ministry since 1978 pastoring and pioneering churches in addition to offering Biblical Counseling. They currently serve as Clergy Care Directors for New Horizon Conference. Marie is also the Clinical Director at RenuYou Neurofeedback Center of Tulsa. A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in Neurofeedback Therapy (BCN), treating trauma (PTSD), anxiety, depression, ADHD, Pre-Marital and Marital Therapy using therapy modalities including EMDR and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Dwight Dunning
Dwight Dunning MA, LCMHC has been an ordained minister in the North Carolina Conference of the IPHC since 1976. Dwight currently pastors Clinton Community Church and has 43 years of pastoral experience. A Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina, Dwight has provided professional and pastoral counseling in both secular and church settings. He and his wife, Sharon Norton Dunning, have been married 43 years and have 4 children and 4 grandchildren.

Kevin Bordeaux

Debbie Burpo

Anthony Craver