For several years now Royal Rangers has been undergoing extensive changes for the purpose of refocusing on our original mission to evangelize, equip, and empower Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. The result is a highly relational and flexible program for the local church to use to best meet it’s goals and needs. You don’t build the men and boys in your church around your ministry, you build your ministry around the interest of the men and boys in your church. Choosing form areas such as arts, sports, trades, technology, outdoor activities and ministry, the Royal Rangers curriculum provides the bases for spiritual growth and leadership development.
Building on the strong and intentional relationship being formed between Men’s Ministries and Royal Rangers, Men’s and Royal Rangers have partnered together to create Empowerment Conferences. These conferences will foster relationship between generations of men, to encourage and equip the younger generations to become leaders and innovators in ministry.
It is easier to shape boys, than to repair broken men, therefor our goal is to empower the next generation of Spirit filled men. We can do more together than alone.
David Moore has served as the National Commander of the Royal Rangers for the International Pentecostal Holiness Church since October 1998. Before coming to the national office in 1993, he worked in the Global Ministries Center accounting office. Commander Moore has been actively involved in a local outpost since 1985. He currently serves as the Senior Commander for his local church and works on a weekly basis with the Ranger Kids outpost.