To meet the ever-changing needs of our churches and for the purpose of creating lifelong Christ-followers, Discipleship Ministries is implementing a Student Ministries Advisory Team (SMAT).
This team will equip, network, and resource Discipleship Directors and youth workers in the IPHC. The team will focus specifically on current developments, resources, and trends related to students ranging from Middle School through College.
The national SMAT will consist of individuals who have significant training and experience in different areas of Youth and Student Ministries. Five portfolios will comprise the SMAT framework: discipleship, leadership/skill development, evangelism, bi-vocational and volunteer leaders, and communication/logistics. The SMAT will focus on developing relationships between discipleship directors, conference leadership and local Student Ministry leaders.
On April 2, the Discipleship Council unanimously approved the implementation of the SMAT. Bishop Tommy McGhee shared his thoughts with the Council,
“It is my hope that by developing this team concept we can better use our resources to be more effective in building relationships and developing and distributing resources to those on the front lines of student ministries.” 
Discipleship Ministries is pleased to announce that Stephen Jones has accepted the position of Student Ministries Advisory Team leader.
As Team Leader, Stephen will serve as chairperson and will represent the SMAT and IPHC youth leaders with seat and voice at various Discipleship Ministries meetings. The Team Leader will also maintain the Leadership and Skill Development portfolio in the Student Ministries Advisory Team.
Rev. Stephen Jones serves as the Pastor of Student Ministries at Whitnel Pentecostal Holiness Church in Lenoir, NC. In 2002, Stephen earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Christian Ministries from Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, GA. In 2008, he completed a Master’s of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Since 2002, Stephen’s full-time ministry to teenagers has spanned two IPHC Conferences, three IPHC churches, and numerous IPHC summer camps.
Stephen will continue in his current position in North Carolina while acting as Team Leader for the Student Ministries Advisory Team. The subsequent SMAT members will be announced at a later date.
Please feel free to start interacting with the SMAT by emailing or by connecting with Student Ministries on facebook at IPHC Student Ministries