this article was adapted from the SYATP website, with permission.
See You at the Pole™, the global day of student prayer, began in 1990 as a grass roots movement with ten students praying at their school. Twenty years later, millions pray on their campuses on the fourth Wednesday in September.
See You at the Pole™ is simply a prayer rally where students meet at the school flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. See You at the Pole™ is a student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led event.
There are two opportunities to unite in prayer with your friends:
- DAY: SEE YOU AT THE POLE day is on Wednesday, September 27, at 7:00 a.m. local time. All around the globe, in every time zone, students will be gathering at their flagpoles, praying for their school, friends, families, churches, and communities. SEE YOU AT THE POLE is a day committed to global unity in Christ and prayer for your generation.
- WEEK: The GLOBAL WEEK OF STUDENT PRAYER (Sunday, September 24 through Saturday, September 30) encourages students to find new and unique ways, places, and times to pray throughout the week. Whether you attend PUBLIC SCHOOL, PRIVATE SCHOOL, or HOME SCHOOL, gather your friends wherever and whenever and pray! The GLOBAL WEEK OF STUDENT PRAYER is dedicated to prayer and launching your on-campus Bible clubs, prayer strategies, and student ministries.
Pray for:
- your school’s event starting now, right up to the day of See You at the Pole™.
- the students who are leading and planning your See You at the Pole™ at your school.
- the Christians at your school to show up ready to pray on See You at the Pole™ day.
- the non-Christian students on your campus who will see or hear about SYATP.
- Christian students on your campus to make the most of this unique opportunity to explain what happened on the morning of See You at the Pole™ and to be a witness for Christ.
SYATP is a student led event, but you can be a part as well!
It is important for students to know they are supported by adults from their churches, communities, and schools. Only upon an invitation from a student leader, an adult can serve at local campuses by assisting with any needs they have prior to or after See You at the Pole™, or possibly recording video or taking pictures during See You at the Pole™.
Pray for:
Since See You at the Pole™ is all about students praying, start praying for your students now! Pray for:
- your students and their friends to take part in See You at the Pole™.
- the other students in your community (or church) to take part in See You at the Pole™.
- your youth pastor/leader in your church as he/she motivates and guides students for See You at the Pole™.
- your students’ parents to be supportive of their involvement in See You at the Pole™.
- the non-Christian students that could be reached through See You at the Pole™.
- the Christian students in your community to strengthen their unity on campus all year long.