“I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God…” Psalm 84:10b
There is an intriguing passage of Scripture in Numbers 3 in which there is a description of the specific duties of the Levites related to the guard and care of the Tabernacle. It is fascinating to consider the detail of the assignments. The sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, and their clans were given very specific responsibilities.
“At the tent of meeting the Gershonites were responsible for the care of the tabernacle and tent, its coverings, the curtain at the entrance to the tent of meeting, the curtains of the courtyard, the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle and altar, and the ropes--and everything related to their use.” [Num 3:25-26 NIV]
(The Kohathites) “were responsible for the care of the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the articles of the sanctuary used in ministering, the curtain, and everything related to their use.” [Num 3:31 NIV]
“The Merarites were appointed to take care of the frames of the tabernacle, its crossbars, posts, bases, all its equipment, and everything related to their use, as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs and ropes.” [Num 3:36-37 NIV]
As I’ve read through those passages over the years, I’ve wondered if the Gershonites and the Merarites were ever jealous that they didn’t have the assignment to care for the ark and the other articles of the sanctuary used in ministering to the Lord. After all, the ark was holy. It was associated with the presence of God. The sons of Gershon and Merari may well have thought they were worthy of much more than the care of the more common articles of the Tabernacle. But that was not their assignment. The Lord had assigned those duties to Kohath’s clan.
Is it possible that someone ever asked, “Why don’t we ever get to carry the ark? Why do we have to be the ones to carry the tent pegs?”
We are not immune to the temptation to look beyond our current assignments and wonder why... As worship leaders, we can also fall into the trap of the “if onlys.” “If only I could be invited to lead worship at that church or that event.” “If only I could get that person to hear my song.” “Lord, I could really make an impact for you if only you would open up that door for me.” It sounds rather egocentric, doesn’t it? And the enemy of our souls will try to use those “if onlys” to hamstring us in our present places of ministry.
We must be careful. There is a devastating decline that can follow when we give place to these kinds of thoughts. Disappointment may lead to discouragement; discouragement may lead to dejection; dejection may lead to detachment; and detachment may lead to disqualification.
Beware of the decline.
Instead, be faithful where you are. Embrace your assignment with your whole heart. You cannot show the Lord your faithfulness in a place you have not yet been assigned. You can only show your faithfulness where you are. So serve the Lord with gladness right where you are.
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” [1Pe 5:6-7 ESV]

Dr. Wes Tuttle is an accomplished worship leader, musician, and songwriter. Dr. Tuttle’s songs have been recorded by influential worship leaders like Don Moen, Paul Wilbur, Bob Fitts, John Chisum, Aline Barros, Robin Mark, Juanita Bynum and Judy Jacobs. Wes is an ordained minister and holds an A.A. in Music and a B.A. in Religion from Emmanuel College. He holds an M.A. in Counseling from Liberty University and a M.A.R. with a concentration in Cross-cultural studies from Liberty Theological Seminary. He received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty Theological Seminary.