If we were to ask, most boys would probably say that they don’t feel like they would be very useful to God right now. They might feel that they are too young, not smart enough, too afraid, and the list could go on. I would tell them the truth is, by yourself, you are not, but with God in you – you are more than enough. You see, God does not call the equipped – He equips the ones He calls. As adults and leaders of boys, we must let them know that the first step in making yourself useful to God is to make yourself available to be used by God. God can and does use young boys; you don’t have to wait until you are older to be useful to God. There are several examples in the Bible of young boys who were useful to God.
The theme for Men’s Ministries in 2023 is “Useful to God” - 2 Timothy 2:21. Timothy was a young man who was useful to God. Timothy was taught the Old Testament scriptures as a young child, and he knew them very well. Many people think that Paul may have led Timothy to Christ at an early age, and when Timothy was still a young man, Paul asked Timothy to join him on his missionary journey. Paul eventually sent Timothy as his representative to minister and work in the churches that Paul planted. Timothy knew God’s word and made himself available to be used by God.
his sheep, but he is most remembered for killing the giant, Goliath. David was not a soldier because he was too young. He was busy taking care of the family’s sheep and was not even supposed to be at the battle that day. God had a plan for David, and he used something as simple as cheese and bread to accomplish His plan. David’s father sent him to take cheese and bread to his brothers at the battle, and we know the rest of the story, how David, with the help of God, defeated the mighty warrior, Goliath. God can use the most insignificant things in our lives to accomplish His will – we just need to make ourselves available.
The first key to making ourselves useful to God is to make ourselves available. Our scripture verse gives us the second key. In the International Children’s Bible, 2 Timothy 2:21 reads – “If anyone makes himself clean from evil things, he will be used for special purposes. He will be made holy, and the Master can use him. He will be ready to do any good work”.
Boys, this is an important lesson that if you learn it now while you are young, it will save you from a lot of problems later in life. If you don’t remember anything else, please remember this verse, 2 Timothy 2:22. It gives us the answer to how to live a clean life. It is easy to remember this verse by thinking of all the twos – 2 Timothy 2:22. “Stay away from the evil desires of youth. Try hard to live right and to have faith, love, and peace. Work for these things together with those who have pure hearts and trust in the Lord.” The first part of this verse tells us to stay away from the evil desires of youth. Don’t put yourself in bad situations where you can be tempted. If you know you have a problem with something, then stay away from it. If someone is a bad influence on you, stay away from them. I have a good friend who put it this way - they said, “if you play stupid games - you win stupid prizes.”

David Moore has served as the National Commander of the Royal Rangers for the International Pentecostal Holiness Church since October 1998. Before coming to the national office in 1993, he worked in the Global Ministries Center accounting office. Commander Moore has been actively involved in a local outpost since 1985. He currently serves as the Senior Commander for his local church and works on a weekly basis with the Ranger Kids outpost.