One morning, I was getting ready for work, and the Spirit of the Lord called me to Ephesians 6, starting with verse 11. This passage of scripture gives us a description of the Full Armor of God. The Armor of God equips us to go out into the world each day, a world where this armor is necessary. For the Armor of God to serve its purpose, a Christian must put it on. Putting on the Armor of God is deeper than merely saying your morning prayers, it is an active, conscious effort that is transformative in the life of a Christian.
In the moment when I read over Ephesians 6, the Lord brought to my attention the importance of the FULL armor, not just one or two parts. Each individual piece of armor works together to protect us, preparing us to stand in that ever-growing gap between the world and salvation through Christ Jesus. We are not in battle with people; we are in a battle with one enemy, the enemy that only destroys.
Ephesians 6:11-12
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
As we are called to deepen our faith, we mustn’t do it alone. It is meant for God’s children to commune and grow together in Him. My circle of friends gathers weekly to read scripture, pray, and oftentimes just sit quietly to hear from the Holy Spirit. Emphasis is placed on the power of prayer and the importance of knowing the Word of God. We mustn’t, and we cannot do this alone. A soldier needs his/her fellow soldiers. A soldier needs his/her armor. We cannot complete the mission without the Armor of God. We cannot complete the mission without our fellow soldiers.

Luke was born and raised in North Carolina. His family attended North Pointe Church for many years and served heavily in both youth and music ministries. Luke was an annual participant in Fine Arts and, from there, was called to Southwestern Christian University in Bethany, OK. He was a member of the SCU One Voice team and had the privilege of traveling to Youth Camps across the country each summer. Luke graduated from SCU with a bachelor’s degree in Christian Leadership.