Our goal is to win girls to Jesus Christ, disciple them and make imprints with eternal significance. For more information, connect with us at girls@iphc.org or your Conference Girls' Ministries Director.
Alpha Conference
Karen Gray
Appalachian Conference
Elaine Wood
Cornerstone Conference
Pam Rooker
Ephesians 4 Network
Beverly Sammons
Golden West Conference
Amber Archuleta
Great Plains Conference
Lavana Greene
Harvest Conference
Audrey Darnell
LifePoint Ministries
Erica Campbell
Mid-Atlantic Conference
Eulita Carrette
Mississippi Conference
R. Claudette Denham
New Horizon Conference
Frances Still
North Carolina Conference
Lydia Mills
Northwest Latin Conference
Esmerelda Estrada
Pacific Western Conference
Janice Stemen
Passion Connection
Rebecca Barber
Redemption Conference
Barbara Carter
River of Life Ministries
Denise Bell
Rocky Mountain Conference
Laura Clark
SonShine Network
Cindy Forstall
South Carolina Conference
Denise Wilson
Spirit Life Ministries
Bethany Bridges
Texas Latin Conference
Mary Alice Treviño
West Coast Hispanic Conference
Raquel Gutierrez