Whether you are a conference or local Girls' Ministries leader, we are here to help. We'll announce changes in girls club curriculum, suggest ideas for outreach, and discuss current trends. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and resources for a relevant and dynamic ministry to girls.
As the coordinator of Girls' Ministries on the local level, you carry a tremendous load. This is to help you stay on course as you navigate the high seas of Girls' Ministries. If you are in the beginning stages of developing a ministry, for example, you and your "crew" may be trying to determine whether or not you should use the weekly discipleship program recommended by IPHC Girls' Ministries. However, if staff and funding are low, you may be asking how else you might have a ministry to girls in your church and community. Monthly focus ideas along with the Ideas Packet are great tools for Girls' Ministries leaders, whether using the girls club curriculum or not.
When you are operating the girls' clubs as an achievement-based program, there will be a lot of paperwork for you and your sponsors, especially when the girls are working on honor status. We will address these issues from time to time as well.
Many of the items available on this page will be PDF files–or will point you to PDF files–for you to download and print. You'll need Adobe Reader to open these files. Clicking on the specific title of each description below will either take you to a page with further information or will download the appropriate file.
January Focus: Baby Hope Club is a year-round ministry to benefit the young mothers-to-be at The Royal Home in Salemburg, North Carolina. Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) Week falls in January around the landmark date of Roe vs. Wade. This makes the month of January a great time to emphasize Baby Hope Club in the local church.
February Focus: Pursuit of Purity. IPHC Girls' Ministries encourages the local church to join forces with parents, the youth group, and Royal Rangers to combat the issues of purity head on! Found in his second letter to the church at Thessolonica, Paul's admonition still sends a strong message to today's youth: "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" (I Timothy 4:12 NIV). Today's culture, however, sends a completely different message to our youth. Our youth are encouraged to do what feels good. They are bombarded with messages and programming that stand in stark contrast to what Paul says God expects from us. To read more, click here.
Idea Packet for Girls' Ministries: While the girls club concept is one discipleship method for ministering to girls in the local church, we realize that it may not be possible for all churches to follow this plan. However, ministry to girls is more important today than ever. Local churches who choose not to use the girls' clubs curriculum should still endeavor to implement a ministry to girls. The GM office has prepared ideas for monthly meetings for you to use. Click here to download the GM Idea Packet.
Parent Previews: Here, you will find PDF files to help you promote the girls' clubs. One file highlights all six clubs while the others highlight each individual club. These are great for distributing at a neighborhood event, in a church newcomer's packet, or at the beginning of the Girls' Ministries year in September). They can be copied as needed. These pages are a living document which reflects the names, colors, and mission statements. Click here to download the Preview Packet.
As a sponsor of one the Girls' Ministries clubs on the local level, you are the direct link to the girls. Our goal for this page is to fill your cone with variety, flavor, and creativity. Whether it's exploring some of the latest trends or reinforcing guidelines that must be followed in granting honor status to a girl, this is the page to look to for help. Stayed tuned as we begin to "churn" these ideas. If you have any hints to share or topics you would like us to address.
Learning a New Language Logged On and Tuned Out is a book written by author Vicki Courtney that will help you find your way through the technology maze and craze of today's logged on youth. Tuned out parents (and leaders) need help and this book is an excellent source if you feel lost in the tech world. The statistics she shares might just jar you into action! Check your local book store or order through an online site. Click here for more information on the book and its valuable content.
- Select sponsors and helpers with the pastor’s approval.
- As soon as sponsors have been selected, each one will need a copy of the Girls’ Ministries Leader Training Guide. The GM LTG is required for all leaders. It should be studied individually before attending the required conference-sponsored Leadership Training Course (LTC).
- This course must be completed in a conference-sponsored group training session. Contact your conference Girls’ Ministries director for training information.
- Complete the open-book test and mail it according to the instructions printed on the answer form found inside the LTG.
- Click here to learn more details about the certification process for each local coordinator and club sponsor.
Prior to your first club meeting, apply for the official charter through your conference Girls’ Ministries department. As of January 1, 2012, the charter fee is an annual flat rate of $75 per church. (This fee is now split 50/50 between your conference GM and general GM treasuries.)
- Click here to download the document outlining the guidelines, benefits, and responsibilities of chartering.
- Click here to download the new charter application. A copy of this should be included with your January report form.
- You will receive charter certificates and individual membership cards from your conference GM director.
- Frame and display the certificate in your church.
- Continue to renew your charter each January.
Select the place for club meetings. The best meeting place for each girls’ club is a room at the church.
- Decide on the time and frequency of meetings that fits your situation. Many clubs meet on family night at the church. Others meet at another designated time. Friends and Girls Only clubs (now under TGM) should not conflict with youth group meetings.
Establish a treasury (in accordance with the policy of your church) as soon as the club is organized. Funds may be raised in various ways, including regular offerings from the girls or a subsidy from the church and/or Women’s Ministries group. Some clubs charge membership dues. Girls should never be excluded, however, if they cannot pay.
- A benefit that is new for 2012 is that churches with an active charter are allowed to receive a Girls’ Ministries Day Offering (in September) that is now split 50/50 between the local church and the conference. (This entire offering previously went to the general office; this offering can more than cover your annual chartering fee.)
- Each club should send a tenth of all the money it receives to its conference Women’s Ministries/Girls’ Ministries office. The tithe should be sent with the monthly church report. (The 2009 General Conference mandated that one church report form cover all ministries of the church. Girls’ Ministries is now part of that. There is one financial report and one statistical report. These forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link in the first column entitled “Church & Conference Report Forms.” Direct all questions regarding this new reporting system to your conference GM director. She will know how your conference is now handling this system.
- The General & Conference Project monthly assessments are no longer required. These have been replaced by the flat rate charter fee beginning January 2012. This annual fee of $75 is renewed each January through your conference Girls’ Ministries office. (See “Apply for a Charter” above)
- All girls clubs curriculum should be purchased from LifeSpringsResources. Call 1-800-541-1376 for a free catalog or to place an order.
- Every sponsor will need a Sponsor Guide.
- Every girl will need an Activity Book or Journal.
- Evaluate your club’s needs and order uniforms, posters, and other club-specific resources.
- Announce club meetings in church, Sunday school, children’s church and youth group.
- Put announcements on bulletin boards, newspapers and church bulletin boards.
- Send postcards to prospective members.
- Personally invite girls to your Mpact and TGM clubs.
- Click here to download parent preview pages that can be used for kick-off promotion, church packet, new members, etc.
For further information, consult the Girls’ Ministries Leader Training Guide, available from LifeSprings Resources.
This page is for the conference Girls' Ministries director and team. An enormous burden rests with this person who is usually a volunteer. Just as the dashboard on the car is a vital instrument panel to the driver, the GM director needs a dashboard as well to help monitor and evaluate progress. Running out of gas in your car is not a pleasant experience. Neither is trying to put together a ministry without some key instruments and maintenance reminders. It is not intended to replace your Conference GM Director's Manual, but rather to enhance it. This can also benefit those without a conferences GM director.
You will also want to make sure you keep up with items placed on the Coordinator's Compass and the Sponsor's Scoop for leaders on the local level.
Links to purchase a Leader's Training Guide:
Girls Club Leader's Training Guide
How to Become a Certified Leader
Leadership Training for Girls' Clubs
The Girls Ministries Leader Training Guide (GMLTG) gives an overview of the purpose and organization of ministry using the Mpact and TGM clubs in the local church. The GMLTG is the official textbook for the conference-sponsored Leadership Training Course (LTC). This study guide contains an open-book Scan-Tron test and 10 chapters covering topics such as the purpose of Mpact and TGM, how to get started, elements of a good sponsor, developmental characteristics of children, how to plan a club meeting, and the purpose of awards.
Both the LTC and GMLTG for all leaders. The GMLTG should be studied individually before attending a conference-sponsored Leadership Training Course (LTC). The open-book test should be completed and mailed for grading unless your conference GM director requests that you bring it with you to the conference training. Follow the mailing instructions printed on the test and be sure to include the $10.00 processing fee with the check made out to IPHC Girls' Ministries. Once both of these steps (conference-sponsored LTC & open-book test) are completed, you have met the requirements for becoming a certified girls club sponsor or coordinator.
Contact your Conference Girls' Ministries (GM) Director to determine the date of the next training in your area. If you need help identifying your conference director, email us at girls@iphc.org, write to IPHC Girls’ Ministries, PO Box 12609, Oklahoma City, OK 73157, or call 405-792-7134. If your conference does not have an LTC scheduled for a while, you may go ahead and complete the GMLTG and open-book test requirement and then attend the next available training in your conference. The annual charter application will ask you to verify the status of these two requirements for each sponsor and the local coordinator. It is the responsibility of the local coordinator to monitor these two requirements for each sponsor as changes become necessary.
Ordering Girls Clubs Resources
The Girls Ministries Leader Training Guide (MLTG) and all other girls clubs materials are available online from LifeSprings Resources or, call 1-800-541-1376 or fax 1-706-245-5488 to place an order.
IPHC Girls' Ministries – together we can make an impact on girls' lives for eternity!
IPHC Girls’ Ministries Director
The IPHC Girls’ Ministries Director oversees the continued development of program materials and leadership helps for both conference GM directors and local church GM coordinators and sponsors. The office is located on the second-floor Discipleship suite at the IPHC Global Ministry Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
IPHC Girls’ Ministries Mission Statement
Teaming with individuals and ministries on the local, conference, and general levels to reach and teach girls in such a way that they will have the greatest opportunity to become fully developed followers of Jesus Christ.
Conference Girls’ Ministries Director
Most conferences appoint a conference Girls’ Ministries director under the direction of the conference Women’s or Discipleship Ministries. She works to develop girls and all areas of Girls’ Ministries in local churches. Each conference is responsible to charter local clubs, provide training for local leaders, and offer activities to enhance the growth of its girls. Click here to get contact information for your conference GM director.
District Girls’ Ministries Representatives
Some conferences appoint district Girls’ Ministries representatives. They serve as the liaison between the conference director and the local church coordinator.
Local Church Girls’ Ministries Coordinator
The local Girls’ Ministries is implemented by a coordinator and sponsors in cooperation with the overall ministries of the church. The Girls’ Ministries coordinator oversees the girls clubs that are divided into Mpact girls clubs and TGM clubs.