If you are in middle school or high school, this page is meant for you. It will include things like reading lists, movie reviews, stories from girls just like you. If you have ideas that you would like to share, email girls@iphc.org.
For starters, here are some ideas for girls:
If you are on Pinterest, join the Girls' Ministries page with pin ideas that appeal to teen girls (and their leaders). Click here to check it out.
Remember to participate in See You at the Pole which is annually on the fourth Wednesday in September.
Click here for reading material for teens by Dannah Gresh on purity.
Melody Carlson is a best-selling Christian author. Her True Color series explores edgy, poignant topics that deal with issues such as drug abuse, sexuality, and body image. Each book includes discussion questions that are perfect for sharing at a lock-in, youth retreat, or even your next slumber party. Click here to learn more about this series and others by Melody. They come highly recommended by Jennifer Terry, high school English teacher, media specialist, and former Power Chicks speaker.