As a sponsor of one the Girls' Ministries clubs on the local level, you are the direct link to the girls. Our goal for this page is to fill your cone with variety, flavor, and creativity. Whether it's exploring some of the latest trends or reinforcing guidelines that must be followed in granting honor status to a girl, this is the page to look to for help. Stayed tuned as we begin to "churn" these ideas. If you have any hints to share or topics you would like us to address.
Learning a New Language Logged On and Tuned Out is a book written by author Vicki Courtney that will help you find your way through the technology maze and craze of today's logged on youth. Tuned out parents (and leaders) need help and this book is an excellent source if you feel lost in the tech world. The statistics she shares might just jar you into action! Check your local book store or order through an online site. Click here for more information on the book and its valuable content.