Men’s Ministries has committed to supporting the ministry of Royal Rangers even though they are under the direct administration of Discipleship Ministries. Recognizing the critical importance of mentoring and sponsoring boys and young men, Men’s Ministries has developed the Royal Rangers Sponsorship Program and designated it as one of our Foundational Ministries to highlight its priority.
Men’s Ministries Focus:
- Assist in the establishing of a Royal Rangers Outpost in every Pentecostal Holiness Church.
- Royal Rangers Sponsorship Program: A Men’s Ministries program that should be implemented in every church that has a Royal Rangers Outpost. This program provides a direct contact between men of the local church and Royal Rangers. Its purpose is twofold:
- Encouragement and prayer support for each Ranger.
- Financial support for each Ranger.
- Planning for Chapter Presidents and Conference Directors
- Promote every pastor sending his or her Ranger Commander to the annual National Council meeting in the month of January.
- Promote January as charter month. ($5.00 per leader, $5.00 per boy)
- Promote the Royal Rangers Sponsorship Program - $1.00 per week per boy.
- Promote every Men’s Ministries chapter to assist with conference Royal Rangers functions. (Pow Wows, PLTC’s, JLTC’s, BSA Field Day, etc!)
- Utilize and support a Pinewood Derby in order to:
- Strengthen the relationship between a father and son.
- Give every man an opportunity to mentor a boy.
- Raise funds.
- Give an opportunity to present the gospel to the lost.
* Two questions for local chapter presidents and conference directors to consider:
- Do you know your Outpost Commander?
- Do you have a Royal Rangers leader on your board?
For information and supplies:
LifeSprings Resources
P.O. Box 208, Franklin Springs, GA 30639
IPHC Men’s Ministries
Attn: W.A. Mills, P.O. Box 12609, Oklahoma City, OK 73157
(405) 792- 7130
W.A. Mills
Director, IPHC Men's Ministries
David Moore
National Commander, IPHC Royal Rangers