Day of Discipleship 2022
Now, more than ever, we feel the need to be TOGETHER, to learn from one another, to be inspired and encouraged as we walk on this journey of becoming more...
Now, more than ever, we feel the need to be TOGETHER, to learn from one another, to be inspired and encouraged as we walk on this journey of becoming more...
Biblical masculinity has come under assault as never before in our lifetime, fostering enormous confusion regarding a man’s role and responsibility in the 21st Century. God is not confused about...
The Parent Cue App cues you to have simple and meaningful faith-moments with your kid that will fit seamlessly into the daily rhythm of your life. The Initiative for Faith...
It’s time to gear up for Men's Ministries Day! There is no better time to launch your men’s group than Father’s Day, to build your momentum through the summer –...
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