Take a listen to our Women's Podcast "Gather"
Cease Striving
Do you find yourself complaining about the smallest things? Do you struggle to remember to be grateful? Check out this episode for encouragement on the importance of practicing gratitude in our daily lives.
Ep. 24 Cease Striving
ABIDE in 2023
Join us as we dive into our theme for the year- ABIDE. We will explore how abiding in Christ draws us closer to Jesus and how it is essential if we want to bear fruit. You don’t want to miss this first episode of 2023.
Ep. 23 – ABIDE 2023
It’s easy for women to become weary. We often spin many plates to keep things afloat. Be encouraged in this episode as we discover how we can experience renewal through Jesus.
Ep. 22- Renewal
Summer Sneed’s story of flourishing as a wife and mom in Africa
Summer Sneed is a remarkable woman raising her young family in Kenya alongside her husband, Kevin. Summer is a real, relatable, and encouraging leader. We can’t wait for you to be encouraged by her story of flourishing in this episode.
Ep. 21 – Summer Sneed’s story of flourishing as a wife and mom in Africa
What is righteousness? How do we become righteous? As we commit to flourishing in our faith this year, let’s dive into what it means to be oaks of righteousness. Don’t miss this episode.
Ep. 20 – Righteousness
Jesus at the Center
Is Jesus the central focus of your life? Does everything you are and everything you do revolve around Christ? This episode explores what it means to acknowledge Jesus as the center of it all.
Ep. 19 – Jesus at the Center
Lindsey Snider’s story of flourishing as she dreams big
Lindsey served for a season in Discipleship Ministries with the IPHC. She, her husband Jared, and their two kids have embarked on an incredible journey with their non-profit, Wellstead. Hear Lindsey’s powerful story of dreaming big and seeing the faithfulness of God in this episode.
Ep. 18 – Lindsey Snider’s story of flourishing as she dreams big
Daily Obedience
Our obedience the Christ flows from knowing Him, loving, and trusting Him first. The discipline of daily obedience is an essential part of our journey of becoming more like Jesus. We explore how we can walk in obedience in this episode.
Ep. 17 – Daily Obedience
What does it mean to abide? We hear this word often as followers of Christ. We will discover how abiding in Christ leads to flourishing and bearing fruit in this episode.
Ep. 16 – Abide
Silencing the Noise
We live in such a noisy world. Check out this episode to help you navigate how to quiet the unwanted noise in your life to hear from Jesus.
Ep. 15 – Silencing the Noise
Kaleigh Hamilton Brandli’s story of flourishing through suffering
Kaleigh is a creative genius. She has served in leadership with IPHC Women for several years. She is a wife, mom, and overcomer who lives with chronic illness. Her story is inspiring and life-giving. You don’t want to miss this episode.
Ep. 14 – Kaleigh Hamilton Brandli’s story of flourishing through suffering
Choosing Joy
There is a difference between happiness and joy. We will explore that difference in this episode and teach you how to choose joy no matter what life throws at you.
Ep. 13 – Choosing Joy
Erica Campbell’s story of flourishing in transition
Erica has served on the leadership team for IPHC Women for several years. She and her husband, Jon, are newly appointed missionaries to Los Angeles through The Awakening. Erica’s life exemplifies flourishing. There is much to learn from her story.
Ep. 12 – Erica Campbell’s story of flourishing in transition
Do Not Lose Heart
It’s so easy to get discouraged in life's messy, overwhelming, and complicated seasons. Today’s episode encourages us to wait with courage so we don’t lose heart.
Ep. 11 – Do Not Lose Heart
Jordan Wallum’s Story of Flourishing
Jordan Wallum is an Emmanuel College student flourishing in her current season. As a 19-year-old, she is discipling women on her college campus through the ministry, Delight. Jordan’s story is sure to encourage you today!
Ep. 10 – Jordan Wallum’s Story of Flourishing
Flourish In 2022
The theme for IPHC women this year is Flourish. We explore how we can Flourish despite our circumstances by being planted in Christ. This episode contains the teaching content from Nicole Hammond and Whitney Davis that was featured in our Virtual Event this year
Ep. 9 – Flourish in 2022
Because we live in a U.S. culture of excess and abundance, many people struggle with feeling overwhelmed by stuff with everything we need at our fingertips. Our hearts, minds, homes, and lives are cluttered with things we don’t really need that get in the way of our joy and contentment. Today, you’ll hear some thoughts on how living a more minimal life can lead to more peace, productivity, and fulfillment. This episode is a good challenge for us all. We hope you enjoy!
Ep. 8 – Simplifying and Minimalism – August 16th
I sat down with Joleta Nash several weeks ago, and I am looking forward to sharing this conversation with you. Joleta is a Missionary Associate and Chaplain at Assemblies of God U.S. Missions and the Widows Program Director for Stand In the Gap Ministries. She is from Yukon, Oklahoma, and is mom to Natalie and Tim. Many women have experienced loss recently, and Joleta and I talk about our journey with and through grief in this episode. We share parts of our stories and how we have found hope along the way. We pray you are encouraged in your grief journey today.
Ep. 7 – Grief – August 1st
Southern hospitality runs through my veins. Upon my move to Oklahoma almost eight years ago, the Lord began to teach me how living a life of holy welcome could actually be a huge part of biblical fellowship and contribute to sharing the gospel. When I desperately searched to build a village of people to do life with in a new city, I learned some valuable lessons about living a life of welcome. I hope you are challenged and encouraged to open your life to others as I share some thoughts on this topic in this episode.
Ep. 6 – Living a Life of Welcome – July 19th
In this episode, I talk with Pastor Lisa Frazier from Celebration Center Church in Modesto, California, about the struggle many women face with addiction and how recovery is possible through Jesus. Pastor Lisa exudes hope and life, and I’m grateful for the wisdom and knowledge she shares. You don’t want to miss this conversation!
Ep. 5 – Addiction – July 5th
Women are an important part of the great commission to go and make disciples of Christ. Today we will tackle some perceptions and questions about what it means to be a woman and the role women play in the Kingdom of God. Jesus is a champion for women. Let’s link arms to make His name GREAT!
Ep. 4 – All About Women – June 21st
Loneliness. Isolation. So many of us are struggling with this. In this episode, Whitney sits down for a conversation with Kristi Cain and Meredith Light to honestly talk about their own challenges with loneliness. They offer lessons learned and encouragement for women in these challenging times. You are not alone!
Ep. 3 – Loneliness and Isolation – June 7th
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Looking for a more balanced approach to life? In this episode, Whitney talks about establishing Healthy Rhythms of living. Centered around the book, Rhythms of Renewal, by Rebecca Lyons, we hope you'll be challenged to take a hard look at your schedule so that you can thrive in your everyday life.
Ep. 2 – Healthy Rhythms – May 17th
It's our first episode!! Today, Whitney introduces us to the 2021 Women’s Ministries’ theme: “Rise and Build.” Find out the biblical foundation for this theme, and we hope you will be encouraged and inspired to Rise and Build right where you are!
Ep. 1 Rise and Build – May 3rd