Holy Saturday: A Sabbath of Silence

April 3rd, 2021
It is Saturday in Jerusalem. Jesus is betrayed, crucified, and now lays in the tomb. I imagine the broken hearts, the sobbing, the wandering minds, and the myriad of whys....

Good Friday: The Dying

April 2nd, 2021
The week ended. The week merging celebration and accusation ended. Weeks do that. They begin their sprint then rush toward a conclusion. Like stories, our weeks contain components of drama...

Maundy Thursday: A New Command

April 1st, 2021
There is so much activity during what we call “Maundy Thursday” in the Scriptures that I am unable to address all of its events adequately in such a short space....

Spy Wednesday: Love and Light in the Night

March 31st, 2021
Wednesday of Holy Week is traditionally referred to as Spy Wednesday, the day the Church remembers Judas Iscariot’s scheming with the religious authorities to be rid of Jesus of Nazareth....

Holy Tuesday: Let the Walls Fall

March 30th, 2021
Today’s post is an excerpt from Chris Maxwell’s poem “A Week of Transformation,” collected in the book embracing now:pain, joy, healing, living. (Used by permission.) This poem reflects on Jesus’...
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