In 1990, Gary and Carolyn Burd, who currently lead the Mission: M25 movement (based out of Matthew 25) across the United States, were sitting around the living room watch...
In a world that is becoming more litigious, churches should regularly assess their risk and liability. Are you managing God’s resources effectively? If your church sustai...
By Doug Beacham
God in Christ, and His divine presence through the Holy Spirit, is the source of holiness. For the past four months we have examined various aspects of t...
We are very excited to announce the release of the May 2016 edition of Encourage magazine. Its purpose is to encourage all ministers and lay leaders whether in local cong...
By Talmadge Gardner
I was privileged to serve as the presiding officer for the HEARTLAND CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION, April 30, 2016. The conference was hosted...
By Doug Beacham
Today is May 5th. For many in the United States and Mexico, it’s Cinco de Mayo, which is not the Mexican Independence Day. Rather, it commemora...