It is a wonderful thing to see women, all generations and all races, ignited for God’s purpose! When I look across the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, I see women fulfilling who God designed them to be: world changers who are setting the world on fire! These women are igniting others to do the same. His glory is indeed spreading through His people. We are carriers of that glory for His purpose. I see women seeking to hear His voice, and then growing because they listen to His still small voice and obey. He speaks in volumes that can change us and the world with His direction, His power, and His might. Truly we are learning to live, and move, and have our being in Him!
Ignite was the second General Women’s Ministries Conference at The Cove in NC. We had the fabulous Maria Durso all the way from Brooklyn, NY, to spend time with us and speak about the 18 inch drop from your head to your heart. Her openness to share the transformative power of God in her life was liberating. Maryamm Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh gave their stories of captivity in an Iranian prison for spreading the gospel. It was riveting, spectacular, and moving to see the grace of God in such challenging circumstances. I spoke on igniting what God has put in our hearts and we wrote it down on ignite cards to inspire us to action. Also, we had amazing leaders from all over our denomination lead a plethora of engaging workshops to inspire and equip us to be all that God has in mind for us, to walk in relationship with Him, and to touch the world with the giftings He has given us.
I have seen God move in IPHC Women’s Ministries in wonderful ways, touching the lives of women, and igniting them for His purpose. I look forward to the future, as God is doing a new thing in His people in the IPHC and around the world. He is spreading the fire of His Spirit in His people to overflowing so much that we cannot contain it. When we grasp His love for us, it propels us to tell the world. This will cause people to take their seat at His table and fulfill His purpose for their lives.
Women are coming together from every phase of life. Each of us play a part in propelling IPHC Women’s Ministries into the future where we are living fully in God’s purposes and connecting with other women in our communities. Women’s Ministries must continue to become a place where all women come together for one purpose – to bring glory to the King of Kings. We will inspire, equip, and support each other in the journey of life. Whether single, married, widowed, with children, childless home, or parenting grandchildren, in every stage of life we can learn from one another. There are so many ways we as women can invest in each other and those who God puts in our paths. We are impacting the world one person at a time with His love and purpose.
Our goal is to mobilize women in His purpose. When we do, we will see lives, families, churches, and nations transformed. IPHC Women’s Ministries encourages women first to be in His presence and second to do His purpose for their lives. Based on Isaiah 43:9 and Psalm 25:4-5, when we are in God’s presence, the desire to fulfill His purpose comes by association of the way maker. God is the Director of our paths. May we strive to obey God and love others as ourselves until Jesus returns! This is how we continue to see women make the difference God designed them to make. This is how we reveal His glory ! We are ignited world-changers!