Bishop Tommy McGhee is honored to announce Tiffany Trainor has joined the Discipleship Ministries team as the new Kids' Ministries Content Specialist.
"Tiffany brings years of ministry experience, a passion for excellence, and a deep commitment to the IPHC", says Kristi Cain, IPHC Kids' Ministries Director. "In addition, she's just a joy to work alongside. We are thrilled to welcome her to our team!"
A graduate of Emmanuel College, Tiffany is a 4th generation IPHC minister. She has served as the children and youth pastor in the local church, as well as currently serving as the Conference Children’s Pastor on the NC Conference DM Council and on the Leadership Council at her local church in Garner, NC.
Tiffany loves to travel with her sweetheart, Christopher, and their two beautiful girls, Sadie Grace and Nina Kate. Lately, if she’s not taking a trip or hosting an event, she’s planning a trip or event.
You can contact Tiffany at ttrainor@iphc.org or visit iphc.org/kids to connect with the IPHC Kids team!