Girls’ Ministries (GM) is the official ministry to girls of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church and is under the oversight of Women's Ministries. GM provides many avenues for girls to mature in Christ and develop their God-given gifts and abilities. We recommend the Mpact and TGM clubs as the discipleship tool for the local church. The clubroom is a place for girls in the church to invite their friends to meet Jesus, to gather with other girls who love God, and to be mentored by a sponsor who cares about them. However, girls are encouraged to Live It! by taking ministry outside the walls of the church. We must teach our girls to apply what they learn in their clubs to the world around them. Events, outreach ministries, and projects are a great way to connect them to the world. Use the links below to get you started.
Annual Theme: Kicks off during September as the theme for GM week; it continues until the following August.
Baby Hope Club: Helps babies born to young women living in the Royal Home. Since Baby Hope Club is sponsored by IPHC Girls’ Ministries, we encourage all club members and their coordinators and sponsors to "join the club." Others–women, men, and boys–are welcome to join Baby Hope Club as well.
Girls' Ministries Week: Is a time to honor the girls and the ministry to girls in the local church. A planning packet is mailed to chartered churches, but it is also available to download from the GM Week section of this site.
In the Spotlight: Is a page which highlights the news from various local church and conference events as reported to the General Girls' Ministries office. Click on the Contact Us button at the top of the page to share a story. One or two digital photos can be sent via email or regular photographs can be mailed to our office for scanning.
Outreach Opportunities: Are numerous around the world and we have chosen several to help reach point #5 of our fivefold purpose: to acquaint [girls] with the Great Commission of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pen Friends: Is a letter writing club for members of chartered local girls clubs only. Through PenFriends, girls become friends with daughters of missionaries and daughters of chaplains through letter writing (similar to pen pals).
Power Chicks: Is the national girls events for the IPHC sponsored by Girls' Ministries every four years. The first national event (for IPHC girls grades 3-12) was held July 2007, at Ridgecrest Conference Center just outside Asheville, North Carolina. The second event was held in July of 2011 and finished with a 66% increase in attendance from the first event. Start raising funds now and be ready to join us for Power Chicks '15! The date have been confirmed for July 31–August 3 at Ridgecrest Conference Center again. Save the date now!!