God’s Reign Revealed: Why We Celebrate Epiphany

January 5th, 2022
January 6th is a significant day. It marks when political powers were threatened in an unexpected way. It marks conflict over who holds rightful authority and power. It marks the...

Heard in the Storm

December 31st, 2021
Much has been written and discussed about the challenges of the past two years living under a viral hurricane named COVID-19. Church leaders continue to lament that the way we...

Prayers for the US Supreme Court

November 30th, 2021
I’m asking the USA IPHC family to be in special prayer on December 1st for the US Supreme Court. The USSC is scheduled to hear oral arguments regarding a Mississippi...

No Tricks, All Treats

October 29th, 2021
London is home to many historic churches—St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle, Wesley’s Chapel (where John Wesley is buried), and All Souls Church (where John Stott pastored). But...
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