Consider that in the New Testament, of Jesus' 132 public appearances, 122 were in the marketplace. Of 52 parables Jesus told, 45 had a workplace context. Of 40 miracles in the book of Acts, 39 were in the marketplace. Before he went into a preaching ministry in the workplace, Jesus spent his adult life as a carpenter until age 30. 54% of Jesus' reported teaching ministry arose out of others' issues in the scope of daily life and work experience. Saint Bonaventure said, "His doing nothing 'wonderful' (his first 30-years) was in itself a kind of wonder."[1]
According to Os Hillman of Marketplace Leaders, “Work, in its different forms, is mentioned more than 800 times in the Bible, more than all the words used to express worship, music, praise, and singing combined.” God created work, and He is a worker. "My father is always at his work to this very day, and I too, am working" (John 5:17). So, the next time you are tempted to minimize your daily work as anything less than a holy calling, remember that Jesus was a workplace minister as a carpenter in His community. He has called you and me to reflect His glory in our work.”[2]
Marketplace professionals have access to their people 40 to 55 hours per week compared to most religious leaders who have their people 30 to 40 minutes each week. Business leaders are more than 8000% more influential than their religious counterparts just based on time alone.
Jesus took twelve businessmen, discipled them for three years, prayed over them, and gave them the Holy Spirit (John 20:22) and then sent them out two by two as they changed the world forever! There was not one religious dude among them. Jesus loved everyone around Him, spoke life into them, and lived a transparent life so the disciples could see and learn from Him!
Not everyone goes to church, but virtually everyone goes to work. It only makes sense that we live our lives and faith in such a distinct way that others will want the God we have, along with the peace that passes all understanding. True disciples, disguised as business professionals, have immense opportunities as they allow their lives to reflect the Father’s heart. The fruit produced is overwhelming as they live such a distinctive life. The Holy Spirit living in and through them becomes a soul magnet that draws others into a relationship with them on the journey.
Not everyone goes to church, but virtually everyone goes to work.
In the Old Testament, God’s presence was in a box carried around with poles. Inside this box was Aaron‘s rod, the 10 Commandments, a jar of manna, and the presence of God! Any place the box went, crazy blessings broke out as a result of the presence of God. This box was called the Ark of God. As an example of the blessings resulting from the Ark of God, King David was told, “The Lord has blessed the household of Obed-Edom and EVERYTHING he has, because of the ark of God” (2 Samuel 6:12) (NIV).
Something strange happened along the way. God’s presence slipped out of the box. People get nervous when God gets out of the box. He slipped out of the box and slipped right into us. Today, we are the ark of God! Everywhere we carry His presence, crazy blessings should be breaking out all around us because of Him!
Are you aware that you carry the presence of Almighty God? Are blessings breaking out all around you? Are people being impacted because of the life you live and the God you give? If not, we need to press in to His presence and walk led by His Holy Spirit. Romans 8:14 says, “Those who are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God.” The Spirit of God must lead us if we are ever going to win the world to Jesus. It is His sweet presence that makes all the difference in our ability to win the lost.
Jesus gives us His power and ability to be witnesses when the Holy Spirit comes upon us (see Acts 1:8). May each of us realize we are the Ark of God, and we carry His miraculous and powerful presence within us, and together we can change the world just like His disciples did over two thousand years ago! Now, take His presence into all the world and remember, He is with you always, even to the end of the age.
[1] Os Hillman, Jesus Was A Marketplace Minister, TGIF, January 8,
[2] Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders, Today God Is First, Volume 2
If you are interested in learning more about Boe Parrish and his work in Marketplace Ministry, check out these resources below!
Boe’s Interview About “Men In The Marketplace” with W. A. Mills
Boe's Recently Released book Blueprint of a Kingdom Business: a wonderful collection of stories and thoughts from a man who truly lives out the principles he outlines in the book. Boe Parrish eloquently puts into words some easy-to-follow steps on how to be a kingdom business owner. Follow the ‘blueprint’ and you will undoubtedly have a powerful kingdom impact.

For the past forty-plus years, Ernest “Boe” Parrish has invested his life building relationships with people. With over forty years of experience as a business executive, minister, and published author, Parrish places the highest priority on relationships. He has learned there are two times in life when others need you: when they need you and when they need you. Married to his college sweetheart, Nancy, for forty-three years, Parrish has three beautiful daughters, three sons-in-law, and four perfect grandchildren.