“I am weary.”
“I don’t know where to go from here.”
“I feel lost.”
“What is God doing?”
I’ve heard these phrases repeatedly over the last few months. I have personally felt the reality of these statements as well. What answer do we have for these heart cries? Lord, what are you saying to us in this season?
The Lord has continually reminded me that we as a global Church, are in a manna season. So, what does this mean? Let’s explore Exodus 16 for further insight. I encourage you to pause now and read this chapter before continuing.
"Lord, what are You saying to us in this season?"
The Israelites first experienced receiving manna during their time in the wilderness. They had been set free from captivity after the parting of the Red Sea. God had been faithful to them and made way for miraculous deliverance. However, they wasted no time before beginning to complain to the Lord about their seeming lack of provision.
Here are a few lessons we can learn from Exodus 16 during our own manna season.
1.) God provides despite our doubt, grumbling, and complaining. (Exodus 16:8)
God still provided for the children of Israel despite their doubt. They saw no natural food in the wilderness, but we know that God is not limited to the natural. He is a God of the supernatural. You may find yourself in a season where you aren’t sure how the Lord will provide. Even amid our grumbling and complaining about our circumstances, God is trustworthy and always works things out for our good.
2.) God’s provision may only be for the next day, hour, or minute. (Exodus 16:16-20)
The children of Israel could only gather manna for the day. If they tried to gather excess, it would spoil by the next day. They had to learn to trust the Lord daily for provision. Even though they could not see a future way out, they learned to depend on the Lord daily. We might not be able to see the long-range plans. 2020 threw us all for a loop. We are trying to navigate what the Lord is saying and where He is leading. We aren’t exactly sure where we are going and that’s ok. We are in a season of learning to take the next faithful step. We must trust the Lord daily to provide for our every need.
3.) God provides rest. (Exodus 16: 22-27)
We learn in Exodus 16 that God provides rest for the Israelites in this season. On the sixth day, He offered enough manna for them to gather and be fed the next day, without the manna spoiling. God wanted them to rest and not be busy with gathering food. God has ordained rest since the creation account. Even though we may feel like we are in the wilderness, the Lord is providing for us daily, and He will give us rest for our soul in the journey. We have to be obedient to embrace the rest He provides.
4.) Manna seasons serve as a bridge. (Exodus 16:35)
The children of Israel were headed from Captivity to the Promised Land. They had to trust the Lord to provide in the in-between. You might feel like you’ve been in a form of captivity. God wants to free you from that place. We aren’t entirely sure where we are going, but we are going to trust Him in the in-between. We are headed to the Promised Land!
“You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 8:2-3)
The purpose of the manna provision was to help the Israelites know the Lord. Manna served as a dividing line for the Israelites. It was new and different, and it wasn’t continued into the Promised Land. It forced that generation of God-followers to know Him personally.
The earlier generations of Israelites did not engage with the Lord in this way. So, God’s provision drew this generation into intimacy and a sense of owning their faith journey as personal.
The future may not be clear.
I think the Lord wants it this way. He wants to draw us close. He wants us to get rid of the distractions. He wants us dependent on Him and not our own plans and abilities. He has built-in rest for our souls on the journey. It is His kindness that provides in the in-between. We must daily trust the provision and plans of the Lord during this time.
So, if you are weary, lost, or question what God is doing – take it one day at a time. It’s manna season. It’s temporary. Trust the Lord to provide just enough every day of the journey. Draw close to Him. Spend time in prayer, worship, and reading His Word. He is preparing you for His purposes. Grab hold of the provision He has for today and keep pressing forward. It’s all for His glory.

Whitney Davis is a wife, mom, encourager, and visionary. She is a South Carolina girl who now calls Oklahoma home. She worked for 12 years as a Labor & Delivery and Mother/Baby nurse before transitioning to full-time ministry to women. Whitney grew up in the IPHC and her husband, Brad, has been an IPHC minister for over 20 years. They have a blended family of five children- Carmen, Evelyn, Sullivan, Ellington, and Deacon.
Whitney has a passion for helping women on the journey of becoming more like Jesus. She desires for Women’s Ministries to be the arm of the church that is uniquely positioned to equip women for the work of discipleship.
Whitney loves having coffee with friends, reading, traveling, and spending time with her family.