In 2019, Bishop Tommy McGhee hired Kristi Cain to be the first full time Children's Ministries Director in nearly a decade. During her tenure, Children's Ministries was restructured and revitalized as a fundamental arm of Discipleship in the local church. After General Conference, Kristi announced that she would be leaving the Discipleship Ministries team to begin the next phase in her career at LifeSprings Resources.
"Kristi Cain has been a tremendous blessing to Discipleship Ministries," stated Bishop McGhee. "Under her leadership in Children’s Ministries we have made great strides in Curriculum development. She has led the way in the development of our children’s ministry resource “Rooted” as well as becoming a valuable team member in development of our “Journey” resource. We wish Kristi well as she transitions to LifeSprings Resources."
It is with great pleasure that we also announce that Tiffany Trainor has accepted the position of Children's Ministries Director. Tiffany joined the Discipleship team in the spring of 2022 as the Content Specialist for Kids' Ministries, working closely with Kristi Cain on the Rooted curriculum and other Children's Ministries projects.
"I am humbled to serve our churches and families and thrilled for the opportunity to collaborate with our ministry leaders in order to make a lasting impact on the coming generations," says Tiffany. "I believe we have no greater responsibility than to teach this generation (our children) the necessity of a Biblical foundation through the leading of the Holy Spirit. I look forward to an exciting future here in the IPHC!
"Tiffany has served in local church Children’s Ministry for a number of years and is currently serving in that role as a member of the Discipleship Ministries Council of the North Carolina Conference. We look forward to continued progress in Children's Ministries under her leadership." says Bishop McGhee.
Tiffany considers herself to be an integrator dedicated to carrying out the vision of the Church. As a 4th generation IPHC minister, she appreciates our history while pushing toward the future. After graduating from Emmanuel College, she felt God calling her into full-time ministry. She has served as the children and youth pastor in the local church. Tiffany currently serves as the Conference Children’s Pastor on the NC Conference DM Council and on the Leadership Council at her local church in Garner, NC.
Contact Tiffany at ttrainor@iphc.org or visit kids@iphc.org for more information.