Gather is a podcast from IPHC women designed to help connect women in your local church to Jesus Christ and to one another.
The Women's Ministry Leader’s Guide is to help navigate women's ministry by seeking the Lord's wisdom, building a Christ-centered team, staying rooted in prayer and obedience, and trusting God to work miraculously in the lives of the women you lead.

A tool for discipleship: A resource to make disciples who make disciples. Deep daily content that will be used for holistic discipleship of women in this generation. Together, we’ll unpack Biblical truths and explore and deepen our beliefs.
With the Lectio 365 app you pray the Bible by meditating on the scriptures and asking God to speak through them. The app has short devotionals for morning and evening so you can open and close each day with God.

By exploring ten characteristics of who God is―holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise―this book helps us understand who God intends for us to be. Through Christ, the perfect reflection of the image of God, we will discover how God’s own attributes impact how we live, leading to freedom and purpose as we follow his will and are conformed to his image.
In the chaos of our everyday, it can be difficult to live out and apply the truths of Scripture. We want more of Jesus, but we find ourselves looking to our own lives and accomplishments for our worth and identity. And while that may buoy us for a time, we're often left feeling dried up, discouraged, and longing for more.
We all know it’s important to study God’s word. But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. What’s more, a lack of time, emotionally driven approaches, and past frustrations can erode our resolve to keep growing in our knowledge of Scripture. How can we, as Christian women, keep our focus and sustain our passion when reading the Bible?
How can you find a way forward when life throws you sucker punches, when you face obstacles that seem to snuff out your faith, when you lose someone precious to you? It is in the sacred space of pain and promise that we can begin to flourish. Even in the midst of disappointment and broken dreams it is possible to grow, be strong, and draw near to God.
We all want to live simpler lives and to put Jesus first—but we struggle with doing both. While we are busy strategizing new ways to streamline our calendars and clean the clutter out of our closets, what really needs attention is actually the secret to long-term clarity and lasting peace: putting Jesus over everything in our lives.
When we say yes to God, we don’t say yes to church politics, ladder climbing, or burnout. We say yes to Jesus. We say yes to hope. We say yes to much that we can still embrace. Through honest words and deeply personal story, Runion challenges us to be part of a generation known for the passionate pursuit of Christ. To be remembered for loving one another, forgiving one another, and persevering with one another in our hunger for God.